Benjamin Ndolo
2 min readJun 11, 2022



Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered about the greatest recognition that man yearns for? All men are pushed by circumstance to think, act and try to outlive others, to be better off as compared to (contemporary and competing forces. The desire to be the first is highly unquenchable, and it can be attributed to having contributed greatly to many ill forms and ways of life in our communities. Ideally, all desires and attributes rendered to men by God are not useless, nor are they dangerous. Man is given the (tempest) recognition, and the elements of self-study which will elevate him to greater margins of thought, and which will also help him to develop a lifestyle with moral exemplifications.

The notion of victory can be understood from a very lighter perspective, but it is a hidden strength in all mortal men. I usually listen to Jay Z, and it might sound controversial to quote him in an article that discusses the elements of Christianity. It would be well to understand that all men have a spark of goodness within themselves, and it just needs guidance and then we recognize the truth (more on this topic in another article, though). Carter made a song that mentions victory, and I love it when he mentions that he found success, which was not enough, and in his quest, he eventually found victory.

What is Victory? Victory is a feeling of temperamental greatness imbued into a person when they emerge first in whatever quest they are doing. Smile examples would be the likes of footballers and athletes who emerge first in their competitions. The euphoria of victory is much more interesting and so sweet to the mind, and it touches beyond the financial benefits that one receives gets from the victory.

Every man is given a chance to experience victory, though the notions assumed are quite contrary to the self-same characteristics of the above-mentioned examples. In cases of extreme temptations, to masturbate, to drink somebody’s wine, while enraged in temper, I find a sense of greater satisfaction by controlling myself than when I let my emotions run wild. These are ideas quite different from the expectations. The call to Christianity is that we all live morally righteous life. That one is not easy, and it costs a considerable amount of self-restraint to capture it. Far above self-involvement, a Christian ought to be a prayerful person, highly recognizing that God intends the best for himself, and thus will work harder to ensure that he engages God to tackle his projects. During periods of self-doubt, he will seek to engage God for help, and God’s graces will help him to overcome.



Benjamin Ndolo

I am a teacher, writer, photographer, and musician.